Black Gold Rodeo Trade Show Heading Our Way
A Rodeo Event We Can All Participate In!
Leduc’s rodeo is coming at us faster than a chuckwagon team on Red Bull and the first terrific adventure rolling up is the Black Gold Rodeo Trade Show. Way easier on the body than most other rodeo events, the Trade Show is a great place to form a posse with friends and family to scout out the many local businesses that provide services in our city.
Like many trade shows, bargains abound like gophers in a field of grain, but this Black Gold Rodeo event is focussed on our local city dwellers, farmers and ranchers. These are the folks that are continually ignored at other trade shows farther from our own back yards. Unlike the trade shows in that Big Town north along the QE2, these vendors are our friends, neighbours, even employers and are vital threads in the canvas of our community.
The panorama of products, services and promotions is as wide as the prairie sky. There is something for everyone at the show, no matter what your income, interest or saddle size.
The event is the perfect opportunity to get acquainted with some of the cottage industries and smaller businesses in town that don’t have the advertising reach of a major retailer or professional group. Being local, these vendors often know their customers by name; so much nicer than Big Town competitors who only know their clients as account numbers. The trade show is a fantastic way to level that piece of pasture between the large and the local and features the best bargain of all. There’s no charge to get in. We all know you can’t top free!